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Firefly Hikes

Pasadena, Texas

Starting at $15 | 2 Hours | Ages 6+

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

Firefly Hikes

Pasadena, Texas

Starting at $15 | 2 Hours | Ages 6+

Have you ever seen a firefly? Many people were lucky enough to see them as kids, but they're not as easy to find today. We have restored and protected firefly habitat at ABNC, and with our firefly hikes, you'll have a chance to see them in person! This program is a 2 hour night hike where we'll learn about fireflies and then go see if we can find some!

Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee the presence of fireflies during our hike as they are wildlife and can be unpredictable.