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Lower Middle Fork American River - Float Trip

Coloma, CA

30 lbs +| 3 Hours | Class 2 Rapids!

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

Lower Middle Fork American River - Float Trip

Coloma, CA

30 lbs +| 3 Hours | Class 2 Rapids!

Kid Friendly Rapids!


Person (30 lbs +) - $119 (Monday - Friday)
Person (30 lbs+) - $139 (Saturday & Sunday)


3 Hours
7 Miles


This section is a continuation of the upper section, just more suited for folks looking for a nice, mellow ride. The remoteness and the beautiful scenery is a must, it is rich in Gold Rush History and tucked away deep in the Tahoe National Forest. This section is ideal for groups that have kids that are just not old enough for the South Forks’ Class-III, or for the groups with maybe some timid or have some elderly people. This is a good beginner run in mid to late summer, when other rivers have lost their natural flow.

Rafters encounter a fun class I or II rapid every few minutes, it also flows all summer which is a plus as well.