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Exeter After Dark: Crime, Haunts, and Local Lore

Folsom Tavern, 164 Water St Exeter NH

October 27, 5 pm & 7:30 pm

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

Exeter After Dark: Crime, Haunts, and Local Lore

Folsom Tavern, 164 Water St Exeter NH

October 27, 5 pm & 7:30 pm

Join Us!


100 minutes


Join us for an enchanting evening tour through the historic streets of Exeter, NH, where you'll explore 1.5 miles of intriguing tales and local legends.

Discover the eerie past of the American Independence Museum and Folsom Tavern, where spiritualist gatherings were once held. Hear about ghost sightings near the Bandstand and learn about the mysterious 1965 UFO sightings near Exeter.

Delve into the town's darker history with stories of a 19th-century murder-suicide attempt on Cass Street, the tragic disappearance of Tammy Belanger, and the infamous H.H. Holmes' connection to Exeter. Uncover secrets of the past at Water Street Cemetery, all while enjoying the scenic backdrop of this charming New England town.

This 90-100 minute tour promises a captivating blend of history, mystery, and the supernatural.

*Arrive 10 minutes before tour time