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Discovery Lab Open House

Hilton Head, SC

4.7 stars

1761 Google reviews

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

Discovery Lab Open House

Hilton Head, SC

4.7 stars

1761 Google reviews


Suggested $5 donation per person (Ages 4+).

Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Everyone must have fun!!


2 Hours (Drop in any time during Open House hours and stay as long as you'd like!)

Discovery Lab

During the school year, the Tom Peeples Discovery Lab is used for student field trip programs. This building opened in the fall of 2016. Originally built around 1900, it was the property’s Supervisor’s House. After stabilizing and renovating the structure, it is now home to several live animal displays used for programs. Please visit the School Programs page to learn more about scheduling your group visit.

Open House:

Explore the Coastal Discovery Museum’s Discovery Lab!! Visiting the lab is a fun educational experience for all ages. Get a closer look at some live lowcountry animals like fish, horseshoe crabs, hermit crabs, frogs, lizards, snakes, and a friendly alligator. Discover unique and fascinating stories about the lowcountry’s history and environment through hands-on, interactive displays and activities.


Spring 2023:
Every Thursday from 2:30-4:00 in March.
Every Monday and Thursday from 2:30-4:00pm in April, and May.

No reservations required.