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Cat Lounge Access Walk-In/Same Day

8555 Double R Blvd, Ste 104 Reno NV, 89511

50 Mins • Ages 15 and Under Must Be Accompanied by an Attentive Adult • Come Meet Our Kitties!

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

Cat Lounge Access Walk-In/Same Day

8555 Double R Blvd, Ste 104 Reno NV, 89511

50 Mins • Ages 15 and Under Must Be Accompanied by an Attentive Adult • Come Meet Our Kitties!

Please read all information below!


50 Minutes

Cat Lounge Access and Kitten Cottage Access have capacity limitations.

If you are not able to book tickets for your entire party for a time slot, please refer to our capacity policies and/or choose another time slot. If you booked tickets for part of your party and show up with more people, we will not be able to accommodate you and no refund will be issued. If you are not on time, your entry to the Cat Lounge may be delayed.

Do NOT book a party using this method. Go back to our website and use the contact form to request a party. You may be subject to additional charges if these directions are not followed.


Come hang out with our permanent residents and adoptable kitties!

Availability of kitties may vary.
Please arrive 15 minutes early. If you are 10+ minutes late, you will be considered a no show & your reservation will be cancelled with no refund. If you do show up 10+ minutes after the start of your booked session, we may be able to book you for another session if available.

If you added Kitten Cottage Access, you will visit with the kittens first. Kitten Cottage is a separate area where kittens are housed.
We only allow 4 visitors to the kittens per hour.

1 parent per 1 youth/kid


Also Available

Food and drinks with gluten-free and vegan options are available.
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