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Single Boat Dive

Certified Diver • Subject to Availability from 7:30am - 10:30am (2 Hours)

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

Single Boat Dive

Certified Diver • Subject to Availability from 7:30am - 10:30am (2 Hours)

Join Forster Dive Centre for a fantastic day on the water!


Approx 3 Hours (7:30am - 10:30am)


Busy life, you don't really have time to spend half a day on the water, we can still get you wet!
Join our midweek single boat dive.
The location will depend on diver request, the certification levels and experience of the divers as well as the conditions of the day. But don't you worry we will choose the site that we believe you will enjoy the most!

More info

  • Includes 1 single tank or BYO and get a free fill: $120

Please Note:

  • Please meet at the shop at the time of your booking.