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Shows 🎭

Varying locations (check confirmation email)

M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
Su Sunday

Shows 🎭

Varying locations (check confirmation email)

ImproNation Show

We have two different locations:

  • Theater in de Steeg (Westeinde 165, The Hague) main show. (12 Euros)
  • The Social Hub venue (Hoefkade 9, 2526 BN Den Haag) - grad shows, jams, practice shows (donation based)

Prepare to embark on a journey of laughter, wonder, and unscripted magic as our ImproNation performers take the stage. We have both short form and long form in our shows. With each twist and turn, you'll be transported to new realms, unexpected scenarios, and heartfelt connections, all woven together by the power of spontaneity.