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Chinatown Food Tour

New York City, New York

2.5 Hours • Daily at 12p • All Ages

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

Chinatown Food Tour

New York City, New York

2.5 Hours • Daily at 12p • All Ages


2.5 Hours


Experience immigrant history, along with incredible food! New York's Chinatown is a complex and diverse expanding Asian community. This is truly a culinary experience coupled with amazing stories of New York’s history.

  • What’s included: Tour Guide, Water, lots of food - please come hungry!
  • What to know: N,Q,R trains to Canal Street, 6 train to Canal Street. Walk two blocks east.
  • What to bring: Wear comfortable shoes. Bring umbrella or jacket in case of rain. Tour goes out rain or shine.

Meeting Location

NYC information booth, 134 Walker Street at corner of Baxter and Canal Streets