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Cheetah Walk

Age 14+ • Height 1.5m • 30 Minutes • Walk with a cheetah! • Booking Is Essential

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M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

Cheetah Walk

Age 14+ • Height 1.5m • 30 Minutes • Walk with a cheetah! • Booking Is Essential

Accompany Solo and his keepers on their daily enrichment walk through an off-display section of the National Zoo and Aquarium!


30 Minutes


As part of their enrichment, a number of our cheetahs are taken on a regular walk in the undeveloped area of the zoo. On some of these walks, we have guests accompany them. You can join Solo on his walk and keepers will take you to enjoy the view from Solo’s lookout. Solo was a rare single-birth Cheetah, born right here at the National Zoo and Aquarium!

More info

Due to the nature of these encounters, please read our terms and conditions before booking The Complete Cheetah Experience.

Zoo entry included

What to bring

A sense of adventure and comfy walking shoes!