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Bregant House tours

517 South Fourth Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa

$5 | 30 Minutes

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

Bregant House tours

517 South Fourth Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa

$5 | 30 Minutes


30 Minutes


The house was built for Jean and Inez Bregant, who were respectively 45 and 42 inches tall. The couple worked as sales and promotional representatives for the nationally-popular Woodward Candy factory. Dubbed "The Doll House," the interior of their home was specially designed to accommodate the physical stature of its occupants. The fireplace mantle is to other people about waist-high. The china cabinet, light switches, doorknobs, windows, bathtub, thermostat and other features were also scaled to meet their needs.

The tour includes a 12 minute video about how the couple met at Coney Island's Midget City, a look at the use of "little people" in advertising at that time, and a brief history of the Woodward Candy Factory.
Allow 25-30 minutes for the tour and video.

NOTE: Tours can't be booked online less than 24 hours before the requested tour time. If you see an available time slot on the calendar and it is less than 24 hours away phone Michelle at 712-314-7123. Tours may be scheduled at times other than those posted if a volunteer is available. Please email PreserveCBI@gmail.com with your request.

GROUP TOURS: Group size is limited to six. We are glad to accommodate larger groups with advance notice