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Perfect Buoyancy

Ages 10+ • 4 hours • Time for an adventure!

M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
Su Sunday

Perfect Buoyancy

Ages 10+ • 4 hours • Time for an adventure!


2 days / 4 hours per day


The SSI Perfect Buoyancy specialty is the best way to improve your buoyancy and get the most out of every dive. Buoyancy is an essential skill for diving, but any diver will tell you that it takes time to perfect. The Perfect Buoyancy specialty will teach you advanced buoyancy skills and techniques so that you can master it more quickly and enjoy more relaxed diving adventures. With better buoyancy control, you will soon be able to hover with ease and take the underwater photographs you dream of!

More info

2 dives
6 theory sessions
Equipment included


10 years and older
For certified divers