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OC Rocket

311 Talbot St, Ocean City, MD 21842

Starting at $27 | 50 minute | The Fastest Ride In Ocean City!

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

OC Rocket

311 Talbot St, Ocean City, MD 21842

Starting at $27 | 50 minute | The Fastest Ride In Ocean City!

OC Rocket


Adult - $27.00
(ages 13 and up)
Children - $15.00
(ages 4 - 12)
Seniors - $20.00
(ages 65 and up)
Children - FREE!
(ages 3 and under)


50 minutes

Hold onto your hat…while we cruise the ocean!

  • Watch the fishing boats go by

  • See dolphins at play

  • Comfortable Seats

  • Life Jackets

  • Trained Professional Crew

  • Coast Guard approved