The Pioneer High Ropes Adventure!
check in at Craufurdland Activity Centre, Craufurdland Estate, Kilmarnock KA3 6BX
From £29 • 1.5 hrs - 1.75 hrs from kitting up • 6 m high • From age 9 • Popular choice
Book your Pioneer Adventure today!
-1 Child (9-12 years old ): £29
(1 adult required to take part on the course per 2 children, pls select adult ticket first)
-Youth (13-15 years old on their own): £29
(Supervising adult MUST be present on ground)
-Young Adult (16-17 years old on their own): £33
-Adult (Over 18 years old): £33
-Dedicated Instructor Party for 4-8 children Age 9-12 yrs
For Dedicated Instructor Party the following applies:
-An instructor stays with your group only, no other people outwith your group will be in this session.
-Adults MUST be present to HELP their children harness up and supervise from the ground.
-This ticket allows under 13's to participate in a group, without an adult going on the course as height.
The total ticket cost for the party is the cost of the Instructor plus the cost of children's tickets.
E.G for 8 children £75+ 8* £29.00 = £75+£232 = £307
Height over 140 cm, Age over 9 yrs
Lasts 1.5 hrs to 1.75 hrs from harnessing up.
From ground to 6 meters high, higher than a double-decker bus.
Fitness Level - fairly fit and healthy with a reasonable level of mobility.
Check-in, kit up, practice and off you go.
The Squirrel Zone
Practice for The Pioneer and Hero Experiences before you start your ascent into the tree tops. Here you learn and practice how to use the equipment before you head off on your adventure on our Tree Top Trials obstacle course.
The Spider Zone
At 3.5m the spider's web followed by hanging Vines and log bri
From 1.5hrs - 1.752 hrs.dge all challenging users before they reach the final zip.
Enjoy a climb up and over the road followed by a short fly on our Tarzan Swing onto a net followed by a zipline.
The Adder Zone
A short walk takes you to Adder. Climbing 6m to the rope ladder takes you to the log trapeze followed by the swinging tyres. If your balance can take it, the surfboard crossed over the driveway again on the giant snake bridge. Coming your way finish off on our two fastest zips of the course, tree to tree, then tree to ground.
The Pioneer Experience is only suitable for 9 yrs +. 1 adult per 2 children an adult must take part on the course with under 13's . Over 13's can do it solo, pls note an adult must be present on-site for under 16s.
What to Wear
- For your own safety you must wear:
- Trainers or similar sturdy shoes - no open-toed shoes or sandals.
- Long-sleeved tops.
- Full-length trousers.
- All jewellery and watches must be removed.
- Long hair must be tied back in a low ponytail.