Your support helps preserve America's rich railroad history.
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The Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum welcomes donations of any amount. Your support helps preserve America's rich railroad history.
You can direct your gifts to one of our special funds:
General Fund
TVRM’s unrestricted donation fund. Donations can be used for any purpose including operating expenses, debt reduction or capital improvements.
Mortgage Reduction Fund
Donations are used to pay current payments on the East Chattanooga Warehouse and Property mortgages. These donations allow operating funds to be used for capital improvements.
One-In-A-Million Endowment Fund
One-In A Million Endowment Fund - Donations to fund are held in an endowment account with only the investment earnings used for museum expenses.
East Chattanooga Development
For over 40 years, East Chattanooga and the Soule Shops complex has been the core of TVRM’s restoration efforts. As TVRM has grown, we have added a warehouse facility, and future plans call for adding a railcar storage yard to the complex. Development will include construction of security fencing, storage tracks, and, in future years, covered railcar storage.
Equipment Fund
Each year TVRM devotes a considerable portion of its cash flow to restoring to operation additional rolling stock. The recent donation of two coaches coupled with increased operating levels has demonstrated a need to produce additional self-contained coaches for use at both TVRM and on the Hiwassee line. Donations to this fund will augment funds taken from operating cash flow to achieve this goal.
Grand Junction Development
The increase in events held at Grand Junction have underscored the need for a enclosed multi-purpose building capable of hosting exhibitions, educational programs, entertainment and special events. For many years TVRM has rented tents to provide this capability, but that has been only a stop-gap measure as a permanent facility has become more necessary.
60th Anniversary
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 60th Anniversary of the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum. On October 16th, 17th, 23rd, and 24th , we will celebrate 60 years of dedicated service to the preservation, interpretation, and education of railroad artifacts with a celebration at Grand Junction Depot. The event will include multiple departures on our Missionary Ridge Local ride, a ribbon cutting of our newly acquired exhibit facility, special equipment displays, and an outdoor movie night. Your support for this event will allow us to provide a fun and well-rounded celebration for this very special occasion.
After several years of discussion and planning TVA has donated the Fairbanks Morse H16-66 “Baby Trainmaster” long stored at the Gallatin Steam Plant. One of only a handful of locomotives surviving from this 1950’s diesel locomotive builder it is evidence of the role of railroading and TVA in the development of our region. It will be trucked to Chattanooga and will be evaluated for both display and eventual operation.