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711 Washington Ave, Waco, TX

Starting at $27 | 60 min | 4-8 Players Recommended

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday


711 Washington Ave, Waco, TX

Starting at $27 | 60 min | 4-8 Players Recommended


As town marshal, you have been faithfully serving the town for years.
Now, on the eve of starting a new chapter with your new spouse, word has spread that a past nemesis is returning for revenge. He arrives tomorrow on the noon train! Can you escape the Saloon in timeā€¦..

*Please note, this room has an open ceiling. Work on team communication skills as this room will get LOUD!

Additional Details:

$27 per player
$216 private room (8 people max)

  • 4-8 players recommended