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Support Education for Indigenous Girls & Young Women

Empowering Indigenous Women

Support Education for Indigenous Girls & Young Women

Empowering Indigenous Women

W4M supports the empowerment and education of Indigenous Girls & Young Women in Victoria and across Australia through Victorian based charity: the Stars Foundation.

Stars Foundation provides a holistic program that supports Indigenous girls and young women to attend and remain engaged at school, complete Year 12 and move into work or further study.

Stars Foundation was launched in 2015 because of the gender inequity in funding for mentoring programs supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

Outcomes across the programs have been consistently outstanding.

By 2030, W4M aims to contribute to the education of multiple Indigenous Girls & Young Women in Mildura, Victoria.

Donate here to help support the empowerment and education of Indigenous girls & young women and also receive a discount to use on a WAM Eco Adventure, you’ll also be empowering young women, supporting our First Nations people, and be part of the solution to reversing climate change.