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The Flavors of Historic Jerome

Sedona, AZ

4 Hours • Enjoy A Ghostly Wine Tasting Experience!

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M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

The Flavors of Historic Jerome

Sedona, AZ

4 Hours • Enjoy A Ghostly Wine Tasting Experience!

Enjoy Local Wine & A Haunted Town Rich In History


4 Hours


This tour is for those that not only want to sample local wines, but revel in the landscape and local history of the area. We begin your tour by picking you up at your hotel in Sedona, and then heading through Old Town Cottonwood, Clarkdale and into historic Jerome.

Prior to Arizona becoming a state in 1912, Jerome was one of the wildest towns in Arizona. At one time, it had the largest copper mines in the state. The copper mines closed down in 1959. Many say there is more vertical depth to Jerome than horizontal with all the mineshafts still in existence throughout Cleopatra Hill.

When the mines were in full operation, the population in Jerome was once 15,000 but now the town has dwindled to just 500 residents. Do not let that fool you in terms of its character. Jerome is a happening town with great restaurants (our favorite is The Haunted Hamburger), interesting and unique galleries, unusual architecture, historic buildings, a “sliding” jail, a haunted hotel, an interesting mining museum, two cool bars in which to meet the real locals and several wine tasting rooms.

On this tour, you have the opportunity to sample wines from Caduceus Cellars owned by the lead singer of Tool. The Original Jerome Winery has an incredible selections of both red and white wines, ports, and a unique heritage Zinfandel flight. Another wine tasting room to visit is Passion Cellars, which has a wonderful selection of both reds and whites. Their sister location Cabel Cellars also delicious wines with an interesting story to go with each bottle. VinoZona has a limited selection of small batch Arizona wines, some only available in their locations.

This 4-hour tour allows you to sample wines from up to four different wine tastings rooms as well as enjoy the shops and restaurants of Jerome.

Note: If your tour runs later than your scheduled time or you choose to extend your tour, you are responsible for the added time at our normal rates.

What to Know

  • Up to Three Wine Tastings Included
  • Complimentary Photos
  • Vehicle Base Tour
  • Duration: 4 Hours
  • Add Lunch For Just $55 per Person or Dinner For Just $111 per Person
  • This is not a group tour, this is private to your individual booking.