FareHarbor did not load properly.

Please try refreshing the page. If you continue to see this message, please contact us.

Error code: no-assets.

Loading Whet Your Palette...

[! plusbook.isRenewingMembership ? T("Renewing membership for:") : T("Making new booking for:") !]

New Order
Order #[! order.identifier !]
Not in an order

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If FareHarbor is unavailable, read-only mode lets you view your data but not edit it. Learn more about read-only mode.

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Welcome to FareHarbor!

Online booking software and services made to help you grow.

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      Go to status page

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    Go to status page

[[ (isInvoice || isApiInvoice) ? T('Invoice') : T('Credit Note') ]]

FareHarbor B.V.
Herengracht 597
1017CE Amsterdam

FareHarbor B.V.
Vijzelstraat 66
1017HL Amsterdam

Phone: +31 30 249 2017
VAT Number: NL858732701B01
Registered in the Netherlands No.: 71480404
GST Number: 134 815 302 ARN: 3000 1445 5130 GST/HST Number: 785119207RT0001 GST/HST Number: 785119207RT0001
QST Number: NR00027995
GST/HST Number: 785119207RT9999 GST/HST Number: 785119207RT9999
QST Number: NR00027995


[[ paymentProcessingDocument.businessName ]]
[[ paymentProcessingDocument.businessStreet ]]
[[ paymentProcessingDocument.businessCity ]], [[ paymentProcessingDocument.businessProvince ]] [[ paymentProcessingDocument.businessPostalCode ]], [[ paymentProcessingDocument.businessCountry]]

Dashboard ID: [[ paymentProcessingDocument.company.pk ]]
Tax ID: VAT Number: [[ paymentProcessingDocument.businessTaxId ]]
[[ (isInvoice || isApiInvoice) ? T('Invoice number') : T('Credit note number') ]]: [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.statementIdentifier(paymentProcessingDocument.pk, paymentProcessingDocument.documentType) ]]
Date: [[ paymentProcessingDocument.createdAt|date:'dateOnlyShort':'absolute' ]]
Period: [[ paymentProcessingDocument.startAt|dateRange:paymentProcessingDocument.endAt:'dateOnlyShort':'absolute' ]]
Description Rate Amount Due
Service fee for technical integration of payment solution [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
API connectivity fee [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
Correction of invoice [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.statementIdentifier(key, PaymentProcessingDocument.INVOICE_TYPE) ]] [[ value|amount:company ]]
Total amount due excluding GST [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
GST amount due [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.AUS_TAX_RATE ]] [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.NZ_TAX_RATE ]] [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.CA_5_TAX_RATE ]] [[ paymentProcessingDocument.taxOffset|amount:company ]]
Total amount due including GST [[ paymentProcessingDocument.grossOffset|amount:company ]]
Description Rate Amount Due
Service fee for technical integration of payment solution [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
API connectivity fee [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
Correction of invoice [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.statementIdentifier(key, PaymentProcessingDocument.INVOICE_TYPE) ]] [[ value|amount:company ]]
Total amount due excluding HST [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
HST amount due [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.CA_13_TAX_RATE ]] [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.CA_15_TAX_RATE ]] [[ paymentProcessingDocument.taxOffset|amount:company ]]
Total amount due including HST [[ paymentProcessingDocument.grossOffset|amount:company ]]
Description Rate Amount Due
Service fee for technical integration of payment solution [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
API connectivity fee [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
Correction of invoice [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.statementIdentifier(key, PaymentProcessingDocument.INVOICE_TYPE) ]] [[ value|amount:company ]]
Total amount due excluding VAT [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
VAT amount due [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.NL_TAX_RATE ]] [[ paymentProcessingDocument.taxOffset|amount:company ]]
Total amount due including VAT [[ paymentProcessingDocument.grossOffset|amount:company ]]
Description Amount Due
Service fee for technical integration of payment solution [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
API connectivity fee [[ paymentProcessingDocument.netOffset|amount:company ]]
Correction of invoice [[ PaymentProcessingDocument.statementIdentifier(key, PaymentProcessingDocument.INVOICE_TYPE) ]] [[ value|amount:company ]]
Total amount due [[ paymentProcessingDocument.grossOffset|amount:company ]]

VAT due by the recipient under the reverse-charge mechanism (Article 196 VAT Directive 2006/112/EC)

Out of scope of EU VAT

Payment Instructions

The total amount due [[ isGstTaxFlavor ? cT('"GST" stands for Goods and Services Tax', 'including GST') : isHstTaxFlavor ? T('including HST') : isNlFlavor ? T('including VAT') : '' ]] has already been [[ (isInvoice || isApiInvoice) ? T('debited from') : T('credited to') ]] your account. No further action is needed from you at this time.

Contact us at support@fareharbor.com with any inquiries regarding this [[ (isInvoice || isApiInvoice) ? T('invoice') : T('credit note') ]].




Available customer types:

(ID: [! customerTypeRate.customerPrototype.customerType.pk !])


None [! customerTypeRate.minimumPartySize !]
None [! customerTypeRate.maximumPartySize !]
None [! customerTypeRate.capacity !]
  • Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.
  • [[ error ]]
All available options have been added to this availability.

This availability uses prices and visibility for:
[[ availability.item|name ]]

or edit the item
or view the item

Book button


The ID for this availability is: [[ availability.pk ]]

Link directly to this availability

Copy the code below and paste it onto your page. The resulting button will take your visitors to a new booking for this availability.

Lightframe API required

Once per page: Copy the code below and paste it right above your page's closing </body> tag. This is required for the Lightframe booking overlay to function. Learn more ›

WordPress plugin required

To use this shortcode, you must have version 3.0.1 or higher of the free FareHarbor WordPress plugin installed on your site. Learn more ›

Extra options

This item can't be booked online.

Go to online booking settings.

Availability actions

Sending email...
Please do not leave or refresh this page
  • Only authorized users can send email notifications
No email addresses have been added. Please make sure that active bookings have an email address on file and try again. No active bookings
[[ interpolate( nT('Sending text message...', 'Sending text messages...', selectedContactCount())) ]]
Please do not leave or refresh this page
[[ interpolate( nT('%(smsCount)s text message will be sent.', '%(smsCount)s text messages will be sent.', selectedContactCount()), { smsCount: selectedContactCount() }) ]] Messages are only sent for bookings with a phone number on file that has been opted into receiving text messages.

[[ interpolate( nT('%(smsDisabledCount)s contact has not opted in to receiving text messages and will not be notified.', '%(smsDisabledCount)s contacts have not opted in to receiving text messages and will not be notified.', smsStatusDisabled.length), { smsDisabledCount: smsStatusDisabled.length }) ]]

  • Empty message
  • No contact is selected
  • Only authorized users can send text messages
Updating availability...
Please do not leave or refresh this page


Capacity & Time

[! editableAvailability.startAt|date:'long' !]

Ends [[ endTime|datetime:'relative' ]] next day Ends [[ endTime|datetime:'relative' ]] [[ days ]] days later Ends [[ endTime|datetime:'relative' ]]

All bookings must be rebooked or cancelled before availabilities can be deleted. [[ interpolate(nT('%(pending_booking_count)s hidden pending booking awaiting payment completion affecting this availability.', '%(pending_booking_count)s hidden pending booking awaiting payment completion affecting this availability.'), {pending_booking_count: availability.pendingBookingCount}) ]] Learn more

More Options
  • Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.
  • [[ error ]]
  • Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.
  • [[ error ]]
Customer information collected for every booking. Learn more
  • Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.
  • [[ error ]]
  • Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.
  • [[ error ]]
Resources that need to be available before bookings can be created
  • Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.
  • [[ error ]]
Schedule of pickup stops that should be used for this availability
  • Only authorized users can update the ledger.
  • Start date cannot be changed after confirming a proposal

Please wait, loading resources...

Reapply Resources

Change which resources this availability uses or reset them to the defaults for the [! availability.requirementGroup.shortName !] resource requirements.

  • Sorry, you do not have permission to perform this action.
  • Sorry, you do not have permission to perform this action.
  • Your bookings have changed. Please refresh the page and try again.
Reapplying may not result in any changes to the resources on this availability.
[! T('No resources to reapply') !]

[[ interpolate(nT('%(customerCount)s booked', '%(customerCount)s booked', availability.customerCount), { customerCount: availability.customerCount }) ]]

[[ availability.customerBreakdown ]]

Displayed in the Dashboard, never shown to customers.

Availability notes:
Public headline: [! !!availability.availabilityHeadline ? (availability.availabilityHeadline.shortName || availability.availabilityHeadline.text) : availability.headline !] ([! availability.availabilityHeadline.text !]) Edit
  • Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.
  • [[ error ]]
[[ currentAvailabilityHeadline.text ]]
Displayed on calendars to customers, affiliates, and your staff. Add photos and translate by creating Public Headlines ›
Private headline: [[ availability.headlinePrivate ]] Edit
Displayed on calendars to members of your staff only.
Ledger: [! availability.effectiveLedger.name !] (changed) Edit
  • Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.
  • [[ error ]]
  • Only authorized users can update the ledger.
  • Start date cannot be changed after confirming a proposal
[! interpolate(nT('%(count)s active booking', '%(count)s active bookings', availability.bookingCount), { count: availability.bookingCount || '0' }) !]
Loading bookings...
[[ interpolate(nT('%(count)s active booking', '%(count)s active bookings', bookings.length), { count: bookings.length }) ]]
[[ interpolate(nT('%(bookingCount)s cancelled or rebooked booking', '%(bookingCount)s cancelled or rebooked bookings', cancelledBookings.length), { bookingCount: cancelledBookings.length }) ]]
[! translationOverlayCtrl.displayNameForInstance !]
[! translationOverlayCtrl.sourceField.verboseName || translationOverlayCtrl.sourceField.name !]
[[ isNetwork ? T('All partners') : browserFilter.networkSelection.shortname || T('Partners') ]]

Format view:

[! gridSettingsCtrl.axisLabels[axisIndex]|capitalize !]

Format view:

Arrange by:
  • Group by:
Show overviews in timeline:
Hour range:
  • No custom calendars
Save your current filter and display options as a new custom calendar:
      • Enter a whole number.
      • Invalid value
      • Ensure this value is greater than or equal to 0.
      • Ensure this value is less than or equal to 12.
      • [[ error ]]

Show in calendar:

    • Group availabilities for these items:
Select a company from the partners menu above to see its calendar
Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
Su Sunday
No day selected

Secure your spot

Make a small payment today. Pay the rest when you arrive.

[! day.at|date:'long' !]

Create availability on this day
Sorry, there is no online availability for [! calendarCtrl.date|month:'long' !]. Next available:
Select a company from the partners menu above to see its grid overview
Start date [[ navigationFilter.date|date:'long' ]] [[ navigationFilter.date|date ]]
[! columnCoord.displayName !]
[! gridCtrl.axisTypeLabel(gridCtrl.groupAxis.axisType) !]: [! groupCoord.displayName !]
No availabilities
[! groupCoord.displayName !]
[! rowCoord.displayName !]
[! (availability.startAt|time:(availability.endAt)) !] [! availability.item|name !] [! availability.headlinePrivate !]
Full [! availability.customerCount !] [! bookableCapacity !] [[ availability.reservedCapacity - availability.emptyReservedCapacity]] [[ availability.emptyReservedCapacity]]
[! interpolate(T('Overbooked by %(count)s'), { count: (-nonResourceBookableCapacity) }) !]
Overusing resources
[! availability.customerCount !]
[! availability.customerCount !]/[! availability.capacity !] [! bookableCapacity !== availability.capacity ? bookableCapacity + '/' : '' !][! availability.capacity !]
[[ availability.reservedCapacity - availability.emptyReservedCapacity]]/[[ availability.reservedCapacity]] [[ availability.emptyReservedCapacity]]/[[ availability.reservedCapacity ]]
[! (availability.customerCount > 0) && (nonResourceBookableCapacity === 0) ? interpolate(T('All %(count)s full'), { count: availability.customerCount }) : '' !] [! interpolate(T('Overbooked by %(count)s'), { count: (-nonResourceBookableCapacity) }) !]
  • [[ group.role.shortName ]]: [! crewMember.user.name + ($last ? '' : ',') !]
  • [! resourceUseSummary.resource|name !]: [! resourceUseSummary.totalUseCount|count !]
[[ availability.proposalStatus ]]
[! columnCoord.displayName !]
Choose [[ gridCtrl.axisTypeLabel(gridCtrl.columnAxis.axisType)|lowercase|aOrAnBefore ]] above.
No availabilities
Select a company from the partners menu above to see its day overview
[[ navigationFilter.date|date:'long' ]] [[ navigationFilter.date|date ]]
[! item|name !]
No availabilities
[! (availability.startAt|time:(availability.endAt)) !] [! availability.item|name !] [! availability.headlinePrivate !]
Full [! availability.customerCount !] [! bookableCapacity !] available [[ availability.reservedCapacity - availability.emptyReservedCapacity]] [[ availability.emptyReservedCapacity]]
[! interpolate(T('Overbooked by %(count)s'), { count: (-nonResourceBookableCapacity) }) !]
Overusing resources
[! availability.customerCount !]
[! availability.customerCount !]/[! availability.capacity !] [! bookableCapacity !== availability.capacity ? bookableCapacity + '/' : '' !][! availability.capacity !] available
[[ availability.reservedCapacity - availability.emptyReservedCapacity]]/[[ availability.reservedCapacity]] [[ availability.emptyReservedCapacity]]/[[ availability.reservedCapacity ]]
[! (availability.customerCount > 0) && (nonResourceBookableCapacity === 0) ? interpolate(T('All %(count)s full'), { count: availability.customerCount }) : '' !] [! interpolate(T('Overbooked by %(count)s'), { count: (-nonResourceBookableCapacity) }) !]
  • [[ group.role.shortName ]]: [! crewMember.user.name + ($last ? '' : ',') !]
  • [! resourceUseSummary.resource|name !]: [! resourceUseSummary.totalUseCount|count !]
[[ availability.proposalStatus ]]
Select a company from the partners menu above to see its agenda overview
[[ navigationFilter.date|date:'long' ]] [[ navigationFilter.date|date ]]
No availabilities
[[ startAt.isAllDay ? T('All day') : (startAt|time) ]]
[! availability.startAt|timeRange:(availability.endAt) !] [! availability.item.shortName || availability.item.name !] — [[ availability.headline ]] [! availability.proposalStatus !] [! availability.headlinePrivate !]
Full [! availability.customerCount !] [! bookableCapacity !] [[ availability.reservedCapacity - availability.emptyReservedCapacity]] [[ availability.emptyReservedCapacity]]
[! interpolate(T('Overbooked by %(count)s'), { count: (-nonResourceBookableCapacity) }) !]
Overusing resources
[! availability.customerCount !]
[! availability.customerCount !]/[! availability.capacity !] [! bookableCapacity !== availability.capacity ? bookableCapacity + '/' : '' !][! availability.capacity !]
[[ availability.reservedCapacity - availability.emptyReservedCapacity]]/[[ availability.reservedCapacity]] [[ availability.emptyReservedCapacity]]/[[ availability.reservedCapacity ]]
[! (availability.customerCount > 0) && (nonResourceBookableCapacity === 0) ? interpolate(T('All %(count)s full'), { count: availability.customerCount }) : '' !] [! interpolate(T('Overbooked by %(count)s'), { count: (-nonResourceBookableCapacity) }) !]
  • [[ group.role.shortName ]]: [! crewMember.user.name + ($last ? '' : ',') !]
  • [! resourceUseSummary.resource|name !]: [! resourceUseSummary.totalUseCount|count !]
Select a company from the partners menu above to see its timeline
[[ navigationFilter.date|date:'long' ]] [[ navigationFilter.date|date ]]
[[ timelineCtrl.rowAxisLabel() ]]
[[ calendarFilter.timelineType === Company.RESOURCE_TIMELINE ? T('No resource uses') : T('No availabilities') ]]

You don't have permission to see this Dashboard

If you meant to go to your own Dashboard, click the button below:

If you continue to see this message, please contact support. Error code: can-view-dashboard.
  • [[ jump.error ]]

Please refresh the page for a FareHarbor status update.

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Please refresh the page. We're working hard making FareHarbor better and better, and need you to refresh so you're using the most recent updates.

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