Grow Your Business

3 proven ways to capture the attention of affiliates

Find out three simple tactics to improve your online presence and lock in more affiliate relationships.

a group of people flying kites on a rocky hill

Do you have a hard time cultivating profitable relationships with affiliates? It may have to do with your online presence! 

Affiliates that are more selective — like influencers, travel blogs, and partners of our (unbiased) favorite, the FareHarbor Distribution Network (FHDN) — are searching for potential partners based on the quality of your company’s website or listings.

Follow these three easy steps that will help you bring in more affiliates (and bookings!). 

Three tactics to attract more affiliates:

Your digital presence is a reflection of your business. By giving the following aspects some extra love, more affiliates will jump at the opportunity to partner with you.

1. Give your website a sleek, modern design

Your website should be easy to navigate, include high-quality images, offer a clear navigation bar, and load quickly. You should also have a prominent “Book Now” button so potential affiliates can easily see what you have to offer. 

You want your website to look like it’s from the 21st century AND that you put in effort to keep it current. 

2. Add three or more  pictures to each of your listings

One picture per activity simply is not cutting it these days. We have found that listings with three or more high-quality, engaging photos will convert more easily. Customers and affiliates alike want to know what your experiences will entail before they decide who to book with. 

3. Craft captivating item descriptions

People book where they find the best and most complete information. Your item listings should be short, yet informative and appealing. Include all relevant information like location, duration, start time, and what to bring. 

But also, use this space to really sell the experience — for example, write about aspects that your customers typically rave about or what sets your business apart from the competition. 

Affiliates want to know what makes your tour special to ensure it will be a fruitful partnership!

When you connect to the right affiliates you will bring in more customers and increase your revenue. For example, FareHarbor client SeaMaui made over $109k in FHDN bookings in just the first six months of 2024. 

If you’re looking for a low-risk way to dip your toes into the world of affiliates, sign up for the FHDN today! 

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